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Spicy Beef and Broccoli

Prep Time:

50 Min Instant Pot, 4-8 hrs Slow Cooker

Cook Time:

20 Minutes


4 Servings



About the Recipe

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Instant Pot Instructions

  1. Set a 6-qt Instant Pot to the saute setting. Season the meat with salt and pepper.

  2. When the pot is hot, add sesame oil and beef. Cook for about 5-7 minutes of until the meat is browned on all sides. Stir occasionally.

  3. Then, add the beef broth, garlic, honey, coconut aminos or soy sauce, ginger, and red pepper flakes to the pot

  4. Put on the lid, lock it and check to see if the vent is at sealing. Then, select manual setting; adjust pressure to high, and set time for 35 minutes. Mine took about 15 minutes to reach pressure. After the 35 minutes is up, let it naturally release pressure. Open the pot and give a good stir.

  5. Top with green onions and sesame seed before serving with steamed broccoli or brown rice.

Slow Cooker Instructions

  1. Put stew beef, beef broth, garlic, honey, coconut aminos or soy sauce, ginger, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper in the crockpot and stir so everything is mixed

  2. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4, do not open lid until ready

  3. Serve with steamed broccoli and rice.

  4. Top with green onions and sesame seed and enjoy

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